Hamachi - Remote LAN access || 0.98 MB
This is a way cool app, its small, easy to configure, and a piece of cake to use!
take it from a network dummy, If I can do it anyone can!! I have installed this on my server, went to another location with my laptop thru a different
internet provider, and was able to log into any shared drive or printer on my server as if I was sitting at my server......
Since I got majorly bagged posting this as a RemoteAccessTool on the last post I will rephrase this.
It allows you to access your LAN from another router or location, IT IS NOT REMOTE CONTROL SOFTWARE!!!!
If my prior post of this offended anyone I apoligize
The key is in the rar..........


http://www.easy-share.com/1904074912/Hamachi - Remote LAN access